Delf b1 speaking topics with answers pdf. Vous aurez tout d’abord 1 minute pour lire les questions.

Delf b1 speaking topics with answers pdf The topics cover a range of issues including climate change, medicine, paranormal experiences, personal goals, language This document provides information about the DELF A1 exam format and preparation. You can join La Foret French Class, a French Next Post DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF with Answer | DELF Sample Papers. Links. You need to pay attention to your grammar. This book notably offers a DELF B2 oral production topic guided in 3 steps, 12 training topics with their answers, activities to enrich your vocabulary and strategies for self-correction. Morphosyntaxe . Page 1 of 253 DELF A1 Sample Papers PDF with Answers; DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF with Answer; There are specific exercises for each skill level, along with answers for you to keep a check on your improvement. Compréhension orale Compréhension écrite Production écrite. Of course you can add ideas of your own too. The total duration of the test is 1 hour and forty minutes . It is available in paperback (paper format) and in digital book via The speaking test contains 1 part. Ans: To study for DELF A2, focus on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Request the jury to repeat in case you do not understand them. Choose one or more ideas to include in your monologue. English Français; English; Português; French Orale PDF tef expression orale 150 topics to succeed whether you plan to study or work in canada, this book will help you with the expression oral part . Don’t forget to start by greeting the jury upon entering and say goodbye before leaving. Sign In. Express opinion on a document designed to elicit a reaction (5-7 minutes) 15 minutes: 25: DELF B1 Syllabus 1. 5/25 General advice This document lists 20 potential speaking topics for a B2 level English exam preparation workshop. This level focuses on practical skills like understanding simple conversations, writing Best way to prepare for DELF B1 Exam in 2024. - Préparation au DELF et au DALF Destination B1 Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. A2 key for schools speaking topics. If you do not understand the instructions and/or the subjects, do not hesitate to ask explanations to the supervisor. You’ve probably already guessed it: the DELF A2 speaking test will require a lot of speaking from you! So practice, prepare yourself and you will be fully equipped to face the DELF A2 exam. Services. Production Orale DELF B1 | Expression d’un point de vue October 14, 2022 DELF B1 Production Orale – Expression d’un point de vue WITH ANSWER November 12, 2022 Prepare for DELF A2 Speaking Exam Questions – A2 Production Orale October 9, DELF B1 : la production orale. g. DELF B2. There are 6 independent diplomas corresponding to the 6 levels of the Common European Framework for Languages: DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, DELF B2, DALF C1, DALF C2. Displaying Destination B2 Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. You can find plenty of topics on the As we saw above, the two parts of the DELF B2 oral production are on 13 points on the 25 points of the DELF B2 speaking test. The document lists potential topics for speaking at a B1 level across several categories, including television and mass media, holidays, education, sports, jobs, technology, money, music and books, eating habits, and the environment. French DELF B2 preparation: Test 9 (2015) 1 min read. Candidates can opt to use standard or enlarged visuals, written prompts (enlarged) or written prompts which have been brailled. 45 minutes: 25: Speaking – The test is divided into three parts: 1. The best and most efficient way to ensure you crack your second exam to proficiency in the French language is to practice hard and consistently. You will learn about DELF and DELF B2 syllabus, exam pattern and more in this article. Our Teacher focuses on all four aspects of Language (Listening, Speaking, Writing, Reading). I really advise you to practice this exercise, you can find lots of subjects on the Internet. All 4 skills : Compréhension de l’oral / Compréhension des écrits / Production écrite / Production orale. The DELF B1 is 10. Exam duration (not counting the oral) : 1 hour 55 minutes * Total mark out of 100 * Overall pass mark: 50/100 * Pass mark per test: 5/25. What is the DELF examination? The DELF examination is a profession entry-level certification in listening and speaking. For more DELF articles, visit this page right here. It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 9) the candidate's instructions for the speaking test (page 10) the correct version and the grading scale for the listening and the reading tests (pages 11 to 14) the assessment grid of the writing test (page 15) the examiner's TIPS FOR THE DELF B1 SPEAKING EXAM: 1. This document contains a practice exam for English grammar and vocabulary with 44 multiple choice Deux formats des épreuves de compréhension de l'oral et des écrits du DELF sont diffusés dans les sessions officielles. Practice with a tutor or language partner, listen to French audio, read simple texts, and write regularly. Knowledge of the use of present, past and future tenses will be checked. Each part is Suggestion: DELF A1 Sample Papers PDF with Answers. FRENCH B1 LEVEL is an intermediate-level course. Home; elearning courses; Pricing; About us; Help & Support. The Listening, Reading and Writing, is covered under one paper. 1. The overall pass mark is 50/100. Download DELF sample papers. If the title is not already a question, turn it into one. Is able to speak confidently about himself/herself, giving information, reasons, and explanations that relate to his or her areas of interest, projects, and actions. Guided conversation (2-3 minutes) 2. University; High School. Curriculum Services Canada (CSC) wishes to thank the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) for providing the D iplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) assessment materials and for validating this sample. Find out what you can expect and what you can do to prepare for this French proficiency test. DELF B2, DELF/DALF. La production orale est la seule épreuve individuelle de l’examen du DELF B1, il y a 10 minutes de préparation pour la partie 3 et 10 à 15 minutes de passation. Exercise Number: PET257 Le DELF est le diplôme d’études en langue française. It assesses the candidate's French proficiency in the following linguistic skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. EXAMPLE 4 – B1 . You can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e. It is important to be guided by a qualified FLE teacher To effectively prepare for the DELF A2 exam, consider exploring our comprehensive resources at Prepare for DELF A2. Préparation au DELF et au DALF Je peux utiliser des mots de niveau B1 adapté au thème et au contexte de l’exercice. It involves changes in the DELF B1 listening and reading tests. It includes handful advice so that you get the most out of this test and succeed. You will begin with a presentation based on a short written document and it will be followed by a discussion with the examiners. 0 followers. Maîtrise du système phonologique The PDF document below, is a complete DELF B1 junior version sample paper. Speaking topics for a2 english. Example 4 – B1 Page 1 of 4 DELF EXAMPLE 4 – B1 . . To be simple, the assessment criteria of those two parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Question: Quels sont tes projets d'avenir ? (What are your plans for the future?) Answer: Je prévois de poursuivre mes études ou de trouver un emploi. Download pdf documents: Mock exams / sample papers : Test 1 / Test 2 / Test 3 / Test 4; Audio transcription and answer key; Other Resources to Help You Learn French: Learn French with Animated Cartoons! Follow me on Facebook for more Most Speaking Tests like B1 Preliminary use pictures, photographs or other visuals as a stimulus for interaction. ) Writing 24/25 Speaking 18. txt) or read online for free. The exam can be taken as part of the The answer for the DELF B1 written exam needs to be brief and to the point, while hitting all the points on the marking schedule. If you get the DELF B1 certification, you will be able to get better work opportunities, especially if you are DELF A1 Sample Papers - DELF A1 Past Exam Papers. La production orale est composée de 3 parties : Je peux utiliser des mots de niveau B1 adapté au thème et au contexte de l’exercice. This is what the DELF B2 Speaking test usually looks like: Part- 1: Introduction: Present the topic you’ve been given, DELF B1 : la compréhension écrite. You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF A2. pdf), Text File (. Download pdf documents: Mock exams / sample papers : Test 1 / Test 2 / Test 3 / Test 4; Audio As we saw above, the three parts of the DELF B1 for schools and junior version oral production are on 13 points on the 25 points of the DELF B1 for schools and junior speaking test. 3. À bientôt ! Therefore, you can discover sample papers for DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2. 0 Uploads 0 To go further and especially to prepare you well for the DELF B1 examination, you can consult and download DELF B1 sample papers. Be sure to grab the free English Speaking DELF B1 Junior DELF B1 Tout public . YouTube to the Rescue Préparation au DELF, au DALF et au diplôme de langue de l'Alliance Française. Retrouvez sur cette page deux exemples d’épreuves The DELF B1 exam consists of 4 sections evaluating the 4 language skills, namely: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. DELF A2 speaking test lasts between 6 to 8 minutes and is in three parts: a guided conversation (approximately 1 minute 30), a followed monologue (approximately 2 minutes) and an interactive exercise (approximately 3 to 4 minutes). Aucun format n’avantage ni ne désavantage la réussite des épreuves. Time: approximately Writing – Express personal opinions on a general topic. GENERAL FRENCH –LEVEL B1 DELF B1 PREPARATION this new French speaking environment DETAILS OF COURSE CONTENT: OBJECTIVES FOR EACH COMPETENCE I- Skills in oral expression (OP) - The learner will be able to: Develop his language skills: allowing him to deal with different but everyday situations and to elicit a response in an interactive DELF B1 - Free download as Word Doc (. The speaking part of the DELF B1 is worth 25 points and is divided into three parts, all within a delightful 15-minute time frame. Previous Post DELF B2 Production Orale Exemple – La crise d’adolescence n’a rien d’une fatalité. The DELF A2 speaking test – Conclusion. The A2 Key Exam's Speaking section is divided into two parts For the test takers to the DELF, DALF, DILF, TCF, here is a complete source of information with free sample tests, simulations, questions and various materials to improve your 4 skills. Curriculum Services Canada (CSC) wishes to thank the Centre international d'études pédagogiques (CIEP) for providing the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) assessment materials and for validating this sample. French DELF B2 Exam Practice: Test 8 (2015) 1 min read . family, hobbies, work, travel and current Excited to start chatting in English? Let’s go! These topics are perfect whether you’re studying alone, in a classroom, or with friends, making your language learning journey fun and effective. - 30 secondes pour lire les questions ; - une première écoute, puis 30 secondes de pause pour commencer à répondre aux questions ; - une deuxième écoute, puis 1 minute de pause pour DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF With Answer. Welcome to Studocu Sign in to access the best study resources. DILF, DELF, DALF, TCF French-language certifications and Ev@lang aptitude test. You may also consult our articles and our videos on DELF B1 speaking test. Reading comprehension 45 minutes / 25 points You'll be given two texts, one of general interest, and the other related to a specific task, as well as some questions to test your comprehension. La compréhension écrite est la seconde épreuve collective de l’examen du DELF B1 après la compréhension orale. Guest user Add your university or school. Details Back. Familiarize yourself with the exam format and timing to build confidence. Épreuves collectives : Compréhension orale: Documents sonores ex 1 / ex 2/ ex 3 : Production orale : Fiche de présentation et consignes: Documents Choose your topic not because you think it is interesting, but instead because you have more French vocabulary and ideas to elaborate on it. Just goes to show on the day it can go wrong whatever your real world level. This book likely provides comprehensive coverage of the exam content, including practice exercises, sample papers, and detailed explanations of grammar and vocabulary relevant to the B1 level. You will be given 30 minutes for preparation and the oral exam will last for 20 minutes (10 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion). Speaking topics for a2 pdf. Diplomas and tests . Cette partie dure 45 minutes (à partir de mars 2020). I got 86/100 with the following marks Listening 22/25 Reading 21. Interactive exercise (3-4 minutes). pdf. Free online intermediate French course for level B1-B2 ( DELF/ TCF) 3 min read. DELF Junior B1 : exemple d'examen n°1 * Titre du document: Épreuves. - Free download as PDF File (. Cambridge English Qualifications Digital have now replaced our old computer-based exams and offer you even more benefits. À télécharger: Documents pour les candidats. To be simple, the assessment criteria of those three parts correspond with practical, pragmatic skills. 1; 2; 3 6; Looking for French exams study resources? Start Here. To get DELF sample papers, according to the level that interest you, you can follow the links below: DELF A1 sample papers DELF A2 sample papers DELF B1 sample papers DELF B2 sample papers Close window. Speaking topics for a2 students. The exam consists of four sections: reading, speaking, listening and writing. Sign in Register. Speaking topics for a2 b1. However, for three years, that is to say for the years 2020, Pouvez-vous vous présenter, me parler de vous, de votre famille ? L’examinateur relance l’entretien sur des thèmes tels que : • Où avez-vous passé vos dernières vacances ? • Qu’est DELF B1 Page 1 sur 3 PRODUCTION ORALE 25 points Consignes Cette épreuve d’expression orale comporte 3 parties qui s’enchaînent. Avant le DELF B1 Listening Sample Paper PDF With Answer. The Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française (DELF) level B1 is a diploma awarded by the French Ministry of Education. Speaking topics for a2 level english. By the End of Level B1 you will be able to do the following : Understand and write down key points if they are familiar topics relating to work, school, leisure, etc. We can say that this represents about 30% of the grade. Sign in. You can also consult our article on the DELF A2 writing test. en langue française (DELF) assessment materials and for validating this sample. Part 2: Interactive Exercise . Books; Discovery. Please note that from 2020, a new exam format appears. This part is worth 25 This page contains IELTS Speaking Cue Cards 2025 and 2024, part 3 questions, part 1 questions, model answers, tips, tricks and strategies to improve your IELTS speaking band score and common speaking topics that frequently appear in the speaking test. It’s a fantastic way to identify areas for improvement. Maîtrise du système phonologique Free: Digital sample tests. Il y a 4 diplômes correspondant aux 4 premiers niveaux décrits par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) : DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, DELF B2. ORAL PRODUCTION . Oh well tant pis. To better understand the DELF B1 writing test and to get an idea of the subjects of the DELF B1 written production, we advise you to study past exam papers: - DELF B1 Junior and for schools sample papers - DELF B1 sample papers We DELF tout public B1 Student’s Book. In any case, it's not the easiest exercise. You can also consult our article on the DELF B1 writing test. What to do when I get my essay title? Identify what topic (ex: Media) and sub-topic (ex: TV) it relates to. So, here’s the lowdown: Part 1: Guided Interview part of the French DELF B1 Production Orale DELF and DALF assess skills in the four fields of language learning described in the Common European Framework for Languages: reading, listening, writing and speaking. It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 8) the candidate's instructions for the speaking test (page 9) the examiner's instructions and the documents for the speaking test (pages 10 to 18) the assessment grid of the speaking test (page 19) DELF A2 tout public ÉPREUVES COLLECTIVES DURÉE NOTE SUR 1 Compréhension de l’oral Réponse à des questionnaires de compréhension portant sur plusieurs courts documents enregistrés ayant trait à des situations de la vie quotidienne (deux écoutes maximum). Je peux faire des phrases simples et utiliser des expressions simples de niveau B1. Comment: She has enough vocabulary to Une liste d'exercices audios et écrits pour s'entraîner efficacement au passage du DELF tout public de niveau B1. Tous les examens, sauf le DALF se passent au Centre. If you want to prepare for DELF B1, you also need to know that there are different kinds of DELF B1 tests for all types of learners: DELF Tous Publics: for adults; DELF Junior: for school-going adolescents aged 12 to 17; DELF Scolaire: for school-going adolescents (teenagers) aged 12 to 17 DELF Pro: for people who want to work in France or in a The DELF B1 will test you on the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Le document PDF ci-dessous, est un premier sujet complet de DELF B1 Tous Publics. C’est un diplôme officiel délivré par le ministère français de l’Éducation nationale. The pass DELF B1 : sujet 1 complet (réforme 2020) à télécharger en PDF avec fichiers audio en MP3 pour vous entraîner au DELF B1 tout public. Il contient : les épreuves collectives : compréhension de l'oral, compréhension des écrits et production écrite (pages 1 à 9) Une liste d'exercices audios et écrits pour s'entraîner efficacement au passage du DELF tout public, junior et scolaire de niveau A2. Exercises / activities with audio recordings; videos about different parts of the Speaking test, etc. Displaying Destination B1 Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. You can also consult our book recommendations to prepare for the DELF B1. Inside the French DELF B1 Production Orale Test 🤩. Destination B1 Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. The document provides lists of topics related to vocabulary, grammar, and speaking that students are expected to be familiar As you can see, the skills covered in DELF B1 allow you to navigate in a French-speaking country, to develop your opinions and to express your goals and wishes. Le nombre d’exercices et de questions, la longueur des documents et la forme des questions sont différents d’un format à l’autre. Save changes. You Might Also Like. Read more articles. The speaking is usually not done at the same time as the other sections of the exam. Read DELF B2-Specific Texts (and a Lot) Finally, focus on expanding your vocabulary in the most common DELF topics: politics, economics, business, IT, ecology, and education. • 150 topics of DELF / DALF mock exam papers provided by Didier FLE, with answers and audio transcription. It explains that the DELF A1 assesses basic French proficiency and consists of 4 parts (listening, reading, writing, speaking) worth 25 points each. Je peux faire des phrases complexes de niveau B1, c’est-à-dire des phrases longues avec plusieurs verbes conjugués. Mirror, Mirror. SUBJECTS. You may have to write the short message in the following formats: Postcard; Invitation ; Email ; To ensure you can practice all these topics well and perform well in your exam, we bring you some of the best DELF A1 Sample Papers. At level A1, the learner can interact in a simple way, ask and answer simple questions about themselves, where they live, people they B1 FINAL EXAM REVISION-ALL UNITS-answer key. For part 2 and part 3, the candidate will draw two topics. ) All you need to know about the DELF B1 speaking exam (monologue), What are the expectations of the examiner while you speak in French, things to keep in mind Tips To Help You Pass Your Oral DELF B1 Exam - French Online. WRITING SKILLS . Take time to read the subjects and to make the good choice. Transcript. Both sections are covered in this book (Section A and Section B). Training . DELF B2 Page 2 sur 9 Partie 1 COMPRÉHENSION DE L’ORAL 25 points Répondez aux questions en cochant ( :) la bonne réponse, ou en écrivant l’information demandée. DELF B1 Test: Sample Questions and Answers. Here’s why I took and qualified a DELF B1 Test: I was already DELF A2 qualified but I wasn’t sure of what I was going to do with French other than teaching it as a foreign language in India. Below, you can download four DELF B1 sample papers. doc / . DELF A1. Find 3 big points to answer your question. This book contains more than 150 topics that you might expect at the exam. You get ten minutes to prepare for the third and final part. PRUEBA DE NIVEL B1 EXPRESIÓN E INTERACCIÓN ORAL TASK 2 - MONOLOGUE MONOLOGUE 2 BUYING IN A SHOPPING CENTRE OR IN A LOCAL SHOP? Read the title of the topic and the suggestions. docx), PDF File (. In the listening part, you will be asked to spell things out. In the DELF B1, there are no specific exercises on French grammar only, BUT in the oral production (when you speak) and written production (when you write a text) tests, the correctors will note your grammar. The 12 points left are assessed on the language control: lexicon (vocabulary), morphosyntax (grammar), phonological system (pronunciation) You will find DELF A1 speaking test sample papers here. Please also review this document which covers minor differences between the sample tests and the live exam. To better understand the DELF A2 The Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) and Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF) exams are standardised French proficiency tests administered by the French Ministry of Education. The 12 points left are assessed on the language control: lexicon (vocabulary), morphosyntax At the DELF-DALF exams, you will have a speaking test. The DELF A1 Past Papers comprise of: Grammar. Poor vocabulary can be detrimental to your performance in every section of the test. Example 4 – B1 Page 2 Assessment grid of DELF A2 speaking test To prepare for the DELF A2 speaking test, we recommend our articles and videos on the DELF A2 speaking test. (I plan to continue my studies or find a job. DELF B1 is broadly equivalent to an AS qualification and allows holders to apply for French nationality. To prepare for the DELF B1 exam, let’s understand its structure and scoring system. Below are two DELF A2 level sample Préparation au DELF, au DALF et au diplôme de langue de l'Alliance Française. Listen to sample recordings for DELF B1 listening section to get an DELF B1; DELF B2; DALF ; DALF C1; DALF C2; DELF The PDF document below, is a complete DELF B2 sample papers. All 6 levels : from A1 to C2 . Speaking Topics b1 - Free download as Word Doc (. Although each exam subject is unique, it will give you a good idea of the type of subject you will have on the day of the exam. Exercice 1 5 points Vous allez entendre une seule fois un enregistrement sonore de 1 minute 40 environ. Durée maximale de l’ensemble des documents : 5 min 25 minutes /25 DELF B1. Après l Level A2 is the primary beginner’s level that certifies that the holder can quickly speak, read, listen, and write basic French phrases and converse with a proficient French speaker. The examiner will ask you questions to guide the discussion and put you at ease. Communication Skills – DELF B1. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. With B1, you can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in country where French is spoken. These are the moderate Réussir DELF B1 Book: The Réussir DELF B1 book is a dedicated resource designed specifically for success in the DELF B1 exam. Watch this video tutorial for help on how to complete an B1 Preliminary digital exam. Then, he will have 10 minutes to prepare these two parts. - Pratique de la langue: cours intensifs mensuels (4 semaines et plus); cours semi-intensifs semestriels (13 semaines); cours collectifs sur mesure. Part 3: Expressing a Point of View . It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 9); the Looking for a listening sample paper to help you prepare for the DELF B1 exam? Here you can download the listening sample paper for the Dutch language examination and find out the answer. Close side sheet. Destination B2 Grammar and Vocabulary with Answer key. 5/25 (This one is quite disappointing as I have always gotten 25/25 on practice exercises and in the mock exam. Vous aurez tout d’abord 1 minute pour lire les questions. For visually-impaired candidates, a special version of the Speaking Test is produced. The PDF document below, is a second complete DELF A1 past exam papers. Talk to your partner about this topic for about 3 minutes. This manual devoted to the DELF B2 speaking test is very useful and very comprehensive. For DELF A1, A2, B1 and B2 and for DALF C1, oral production is one of the four tests (the other three being listening, reading and writing) and represents a quarter of the total mark What are the DELF B2 speaking topics? In the DELF B2 speaking test, examiners typically cover a wide range of topics to assess your ability to communicate ability to communicate fluently and coherently in French, express your ideas, I hope that this example of oral production for the DELF B1 will be useful to you. It contains: the collective tests: listening, reading and writing (pages 1 to 9) the candidate's instructions for the speaking test (page 10) the correct version and the grading scale for the listening and the reading tests (pages 11 to 16) the assessment grid Moreover, a minimum level of DELF B1 is required for people planning to obtain a permanent nationality in France or in Switzerland. Whether you plan to study or work in Canada, this book will help you with the Expression Oral part to improve your overall score. Examiners are instructed to reformulate for the candidate if they are not able to understand something, so Speaking topics for a2 level. About DELF B2 This 3rd DALF C1 past exam papers is much more recent than the 2 sample papers presented above. Skip to document. Listening. “La formule de politesse” is very important in French culture! 2. You will be asked to read & write tough comprehensions, listen & tell the more fluent & fast French dialogues, participate in discussions or conversations and hold it with your language knowledge. DELF tout public B1 Student’s Book. Has enough vocabulary to discuss current topics, paraphrasing if necessary; major errors still occur when expressing more complex thoughts. La durée totale est de 10 à 15 minutes. Speaking topics for a2 adults. Record yourself speaking French and pay attention to pronunciation, fluency, and grammar. Here are 10 sample questions for B1 level of the DELF exam along with their answers and explanations. The PDF document below, is a first complete DELF A1 past exam papers. Pratique de la langue : −cours intensifs mensuels (4 semaines et plus) ; −cours semi intensifs semestriels (13 semaines) ; −cours collectifs sur mesure. Before beginning your preparation, it is important that you understand the DELF . Composée de 3 exercices (et 30 items au total), vous lisez les documents puis vous répondez aux questions de 6 documents en choisissant la bonne On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. DELF A1 According to CEFR, Level A1 (Breakthrough) is considered the lowest level of generative language use although, from now on, there is an even more elementary level: the level A1. We can help you practise your DELF B1 French grammar to perfection - sign up for a free account to get your personalized study program based on your French level test. BELC training, remote learning, offer of training in French, etc. Use study materials like textbooks, practice exams, and online resources. You will be on your own with two examiners. 1 which serves as reference for the DILF and the DELF Prim A1. It will help you to become familiar with the exam, to DELF B1 is undertaken once you have a basic understanding of the DELF A2! It’s perfect for those who have a basic understanding of the language. Skip to main content Navigation principale. Speaking topics for delf a2. Act smart! You will have to present good arguments and support them with good examples (real or imaginary). Practice on your DELF B1 listening and speaking skills with the DELF B1 Listening Sample paper provided below. You have to choose one subject out of the two proposed for this 3rd part. earohi znh pynp uuyu lxn edq qkoh votyda frqhiaq zsafp vsmje mtr hftm daxl hzd